Nov 2011 09

It is all about kids lately. All the thoughts, all the actions. It has just become a new lifestyle and I am fully content with that.

I have a little daughter, Sofia. We get along well and often have fun together. Playing with her, seeing her laughing and being happy inspires and makes me think.

I start thinking of how to help others – parents, kids, grandparents – to get this thin thread called good relationships with the child.

windows phone 7 apps for kids - me and sofia

A game

What can be better for a kid in this small age than to play? Nothing. It is the play during which he learns this world, recognizes sounds, starts to think abstractly and becomes able to solve real life problems.

So I could create some games, thought I. Good. IPhone apps?

Yes, it should be an iPhone app. Something simple, fun, useful.

Wait, what did I do with my daughter yesterday? I was reading a book, showing her different animals and making the sounds they make – “moo”, “bow wow” and similar. It is just perfect for a little game on your phone! The idea was born.

Business camp

Soon enough I have learned that there is an event coming – 24h Business Camp. During this event teams are supposed to create and launch a product under 24 hours. For my small app this was a golden opportunity.

After this, I have decided to talk to my friend Vlad. He was glad to hear about the idea and the upcoming event, so we decided to participate. The only thing we did was changing from iPhone to the Windows Phone 7 – just because we had more experience with the systems used on Windows Phones. And we can duplicate the app in the iPhone later.

This was great. I knew that we will start something soon. Perhaps it will be small in the beginning. But it will grow. People will like it. Parents will use it. Children will play it. And it is just the beginning.

windows phone 7 app - moo for kids

That’s how we came to the Business Camp. I have already mentioned on this blog, that it went really well – we created the app, did a nice presentation, and got involved into the crowdfunding campaign for our project. I don’t even mention all the drive, inspiration and excitement we got from all of that!

The result

We have created an app during the Business Camp. Currently we have it for Windows Phone 7, and re-make it for the iPhone. Here is a quick preview:

 Time to win

Now it is time to win. How? The winner team will be the one which gets most funders during its crowdfunding campaign. The platform used for that is The idea is simple – present your project, get your friends, relatives and even people you don’t know interested, and ask them to support you – i.e. transfer some amount of money.

We are heading there. Already now we feel a huge support from all our friends. We are in the lead in this project and hope to stay there. Huge thanks to everyone who already supported! Thumbs up to those who is considering. If you feel like contributing, please go ahead – just click this link, check the project description one more time and choose the way you can help! Any supprot is appreciated!

What is next?

Winning would mean a huge success. Presenting the idea at the stage, media coverage, potential partnerships and collaborations – all of that would come. And with that – the possibility to help other parents with children. Someone teaches, someone writes books, someone sings for children. And we create apps – funny, educational, practical. I believe that it will help parents to connect with their kids better. Do you? Help to make this happen! And welcome into the future!

Update: we have actually won! A bit more about it here.

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